Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 4 of Salient Caligation: The Devil is live. I was thinking of doing a short run chapter book promotion of this chapter once I have all the pages of this section complete before those pages go live on the site. This means that if you area Patron or buy a copy, you will know what will happen for a month or so ahead of time until the webcomic catches up.

What do you think?

Ch 3 Pg 3 Notes

Every manga needs a monologue. This is the only one for Salient Caligation so far. This is a different pace from the other chapters but this will start moving along quickly soon enough!

Time is going to pass fairly quickly but it’ll be in this year until the end of this section.

It is important to me to show that Jie and Bolin’s family life is solid and supportive. Lisa knows what her mom does. Bolin knows and supports Jie. I don’t think this is something that gets shown too often in comics.

Mom is a magical girl and it isn’t a secret.