We’ll be taking a short hiatus until August 28th, 2024! Stay tuned.

We'll be taking a short hiatus until August 28th, 2024! Stay tuned.


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I hope everyone has a safe holiday! I’ve been in a sort of isolation from my immediate family for many years so not seeing them again this year for Thanksgiving wasn’t so trying.

With wards- you essentially set a barrier to a location that repels certain things from entering. This can be ignored if the entity is invited in or if the being is powerful enough to overcome the magic of the one that made the ward. Wards can also be dispelled or broken if there is a physical component used that can be altered.

Page 29

As I look back to the beginning to draft a foreword to the “definitive edition” of the Eight of Swords, I’m amazed how far this comic has come. I turn 37 within the next week but I started writing Salient Caligation at 21. During the massive break between the end of the Pilot “Contracts” and the beginning of “The 8 of Swords” I hadn’t started writing what would become “The Devil”. The last few pages for the Devil are still being drafted as they get closer to being drawn.

This leaves me with a fresh start. My perspective now is different and I have a clearer vision of where I want this to go. When “The Devil” concludes and prepares for publication with Screaming Eye Press as a Trade Paperback, I will be revisiting my script for “Contracts” to become “The Lovers” as the next chapter.

I look forward to sharing this story with you to the end.

Updates and Anthology!

We’re still on track. I think I will have some fun news come the beginning of 2021 soon but I have to get there first. Updates for the comic will continue to be on schedule through the rest of the issue.

I actually have to get to work on the script for the next issue. I haven’t decided if I will start intermingling redos of Chapter 1 – The Lovers with Chapter 4 – Death.

In other news, I’m excited to announce that I have 2 short stories included in the upcoming, “Nightside: Tales of Outre Noir” anthology edited by Mark Slade. This is my first inclusion in an anthology and I hope this will not be the last.

These stories fall into “noir” but they have a supernatural/horror twist.

Full details and blurbs for my stories below.

Editor: Mark Slade

Genre: Outre Noir

Publisher: Close to the Bone

Publication Date: Estimated Oct 30, 2020

Nightside collects 14 tales of Outre Noir by Mark Slade, T. Fox Dunham, Holly Rae Garcia, Kimberly Godwin, Paul D. Brazill, Viktor Auralius, Jeff Niles, Jesse Rawlins, Jason Norton, Tom Pitts, Michael Martin Garrett, Jim Shaffer, Phil Thomas, and Andy Rausch.

Death Answers. How hard could it be to recover a pawned ring? Investigator Josephine St. John readily accepts the case but can’t shake the unsettling feeling that there is more to the ring than her client is telling her…

Voyeur. Something is horribly wrong with married couple, Alan and Marianne Fields. Their bodies are battered and their expressions haunted. When they end up on Dr. Felicity Kane’s couch, only her unique gift can help them. Can Felicity discover the truth in time to save them?

Mages and pages

Things have been rather hectic. The script for this chapter is wrapping up as we are starting to get to the end of this fairly long chapter! In the future, I will write more about James, Lisa, and Bolin.

Bloodlines and lineage are always important when talking about magic. I find it funny that while I started this comic back in 2003, I had never actually played in an urban TTRPG as a mage.

It’s 2020 and I am playing a former Catholic nun novitiate Awakened and initiated into the Hindu/Buddhist traditions of Tantra as a Chakravanti in the Hypersigil play-test of a home-brewed Mage the Ascension 5th edition game.

I don’t normally play naiive or high social stated characters so it’s been interesting to see Angela as she started when I wrote her and how she is now. Rapid character development through traumatic events. I look forward to the next iteration of the playtest!

I’m into week 4 of my new graduate program so I am actually taking a short break from a paper due tonight to quickly blog.

This page ends Ch. 3 Part 2, which is available on DrivethruComics! When I get all of Ch. 3 Part 3 together, I will pre-release it as a whole book through Amazon, DriveThru and Barnes and Noble through Ingram Spark to print. So if have to have it complete and in your hands, it’ll come out that way before I release it to the web. So please stay tuned!

It looks like with the scheduling and my budget, I won’t have all of the pages for Chapter 3 for print until about Feb 2021 which means it won’t finish hitting the web until probably summer 2021.

I’ll probably start looking to get the script for Ch 4: Death together once I complete the last few pages of The Devil, which will bring our storyline back to the present, following the events of Ch 1: The Lovers (which will be redone at some point).

Update Schedule

I have a couple more pages to go before I compile and release the Devil Part 2 to DriveThru Comics! 

The comic will post for free at the normal 2 pages per month until page 25 goes live on September 16 but for those that want to read it in one go, I will have the compiled PDF available for Patrons by the end of May, since we have worked ahead to get the pages made. 

I have 8 pages left of the 49 pages for the Devil. At the moment, page 24 was just completed but will not go live until September. 

The Site Update schedule is: May 13, May 27, June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19, Sept 2, Sept 16th. All of these pages are scheduled to post as of today, so there won’t be an interruption to the updates. 

Patrons get these pages 1 week early and compiled at the end of the month with some bonus material.